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Homeschooling Methods – Your Choice and Care. 

Homeschooling method

Are you a parent decided to opt home schooling for your kid and now worried about how to proceed. No need to worry anymore as you are landed at the right place. The very first step is the selection of an appropriate homeschooling method. I have carried out the detailed study to make you familiarize with methods of home schooling which will help you in making your choice. In case if your are seeking the pros and cons associated with homeschooling, i have written a post for you “Homeschooling – an emerging trend (brief on pros and cons)”. 


Each homeschooling method has a different approach and style but has a common focus to educate children while promoting their interests, providing individualized attention, exploring their abilities and capabilities. Following is the list of methods already implemented and adopted by individuals based on their requirements:


  1. Traditional Homeschooling
  2. Road Schooling
  3. Unschooling
  4. Eclectic or Relaxed Schooling
  5. Classical Homeschooling
  6. Montessori Homeschooling
  7. Home School Unit Study Approach
  8. Charlotte Mason Home School
  9. Waldorf Home School


In order to give you basic introduction, i have briefly described homeschooling methods as follows:

1. Traditional Homeschooling:

Among various homeschooling methods the basic method is Traditional Homeschooling. This is a simple method well aware to most parents as it follows the traditional education style. This method follows the school syllabus under the home environment however under the supervision of parents. The traditional homeschooling method is easy for parents to follow and it provides a smooth transition to re-enter main schools.

2. Road Schooling:

Road schooling is an unscheduled learning method provides hand-on experience, establishes a connection between educational and real word. Parents prefer to teach their children by visiting different places and locations frequently while learning through observing objects in person. Examples are learning about birds in a bird sanctuary, bees in bee’s farms, or flowers in gardens. With little effort, children under this method can re-enter the main school if required.

3. Unschooling:

Unschooling is an interest-based method developed and modified individually based on the interest and personality of a child. It follows the experimental approach and actively imparts knowledge to children organically in an unstructured manner with no specific curriculum. Mostly suitable for parents having a varying schedule, not prefer a similar routine, and encourages a child-led approach for learning. George Bernard Shaw has once said, “What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge, not knowledge in pursuit of the child”. With this method, children become experts in their field of interest but it is difficult for them to re-enter the main school.

4. Eclectic Homeschooling or Relaxed Homeschooling:

Another interesting method of homeschooling is Eclectic or relaxed homeschooling. This method follows a customized approach for individuals having a main focus on the strengths and weaknesses. It involves mixing and matching different resources while opting for different styles to educate based on child interest. This method is preferred for parents more inclined towards flexible schedules, customized learning, exploring child interests, and handling their learning difficulties. As said by Madeline Hunter Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing”. This method is cost-effective and can be designed based on an individual effort where it also allows a smooth transition to mainstream school. 

5. Classical Homeschooling:

There is a saying by Dr. Christopher Perin “The renewal of classical education is not a nostalgic return to the past – it’s a recovery of those ideas and methods that have always created the future”. Classical homeschooling is based on three processes that constitute the foundation for children’s training and development of mind. The first process is called Concrete learning (Grammar stage) is the period for communicating core basic knowledge of different subjects to children. The second process is Critical learning (Logic stage) starts normally after fifth grade and involves analytical reasoning. This process encourages a question-based learning approach with a purpose to pursue answers leading towards a conclusion. The third process is Abstract learning (Rhetoric stage) starts after middle school level and focuses on representing opinions and conclusions through communication via writing or debates.

6. Montessori Homeschooling:

This method of homeschooling follows the same concept of Montessori as followed in the schools but under the environment of home and governed by the parents. This follows the child-centered approach where the classroom environment is provided in an organized manner. Self-regulation is the main key to success for this method and followed by parents prefer to be disciplined. While considering child interests, Parents set clear guidelines where the child learns to respect and follow these guidelines. “The greatest sign of success for a teacher … is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist” as said by Maria Montessori.

7. Homeschooling Unit Study Approach:

Homeschooling Unit study approach is a homeschooling method having specialized approach with emphasis on the specific theme. This involves multiple subjects and focuses on different aspects all associated with a defined topic or theme. Mostly followed by parents having more children where all have to be managed in a specific time frame. In this case, themes and ideas have been set by the parents as the main pillar and each child explores that pillar from different angles where the outcomes are mutually shared.

8. Charlotte Mason Homeschooling:

This is named based on British author Charlotte Mason and her philosophy that Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life. The main focus of this method is on high-quality literature which is named as living books. This involves significant literature reading while in parallel exploration through outdoor activities with the development of interest for art, music, and nature. This method is preferred by the parents more inclined towards developing a reading habit and spending time with children in exploring outdoor activities.  

9. Waldorf Homeschooling:

Waldorf Homeschooling is evolved based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner in the early 19th century who categorized the development process into three stages. This method follows three stages each categorized over seven years. The early phase has more focus on creative play while gaining hands-on experience. The second stage is the elementary phase having more emphasis on teaching students to increase their imagination and manage emotions. The last stage is secondary education more inclined towards critical thinking and community service.

End Notes:

Above mentioned are the different homeschooling methods evolved with the time where each has a common purpose of providing better upbringing, foster better values, promote love of learning and inculcate moral values in children while having religious freedom. It depends on parents to select the appropriate method while considering their routine, understanding children’s interests, requirements, and abilities. Someone has beautifully said that spending time with children is more important than spending money on children. Children are the most important work which should be your foremost priority and responsibility after all this is your choice and your care.

I hope that above brief on homeschooling methods will help in making your selection as it does mine. After studying each in detail and doing a thorough research, we have finally decided to opt “Eclectic Home Schooling” for our kids. We are very excited as this is a new experience and an opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our kids with better upbringing.

After selecting the model, the next step is to explore the tools and techniques you require before sending your kids to home school. Let’s have a look on them at here


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